After the first season’s success, fans have high expectations. If you want to maintain your franchise over time and build audience connection with the right content, you need to have a good understanding of your content fanbase and what they love about it.


Identify the elements that made your TV show a success

Understand why some viewers stopped watching along the way

Identify the TV show fanbase and listen to them talk about what they liked most

Get viewers’ feedback on how the season ends and understand their expectations for the next season


A 20 to 30 minute online test among respondents who have watched at least one episode of the TV show. The sample consists of :
- 70% of people who have completed the viewing
- 30% who have stopped watching along the way


Each questionnaire is fully customized to match your TV show features and cover all main aspects of the storytelling, i.e., characters, various plots, episodes, cliffhangers and other key scenes.
The interview path adapts to respondents depending on their answers and their viewing progress to make sure we capture the best feedback from each individual.
Analysis of the multiple open-ended questions give us the opportunity to better understand emotions felt and hear respondents in their own words.


Our final reports capture the major findings and insights pointing specifically towards action steps.


The final synthesis includes a full section dedicated to the next season (plot, characters and further elements viewers are particularly keen to see). All recommendations are made to be used by all the teams involved in the show: writers, showrunners, directors, producers, networks and platforms.

*Simulated study results